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Harlan J. Berk, Ltd.

Chicago’s Premier Dealer in Antique Maps

Tel: (312) 609-0016

31 N. Clark Street • Chicago, Illinois 60602

Fax: (312) 609-1305


Antique Map Experts

Sammy Berk

Imaging and cataloging - Sammy Berk


ACollectionof EarlyChicagoSurveyMaps

The Ogden Archive came to our attention through a phone call regarding recommendations for a good paper

restorer. When we found out what kind of maps the collector wanted restored, we made sure to make a special

trip to see them for our own eyes. The owner can be regarded as an avid long time collector of early Chicago

historical material, with an emphasis on maps and documents.

This unparalleled archive, portions of which survived the Great Chicago Fire, encompass one of a kind

manuscript maps that tell the story of Chicago’s development as a small, newly incorporated town of a few

hundred, that experienced unprecedented, exponential growth through much of the 19th century, and the

primary financiers supporting it along the way.

The collector of the Ogden Archive strongly believes that historic treasures of this magnitude belong in a

public institution where a general audience of historians, enthusiasts, and students can study and enjoy

them. Therefore this collection will be sold in its entirety to either an institution or party with the intentions of

donating it to an institution. The sale of The Ogden Archive shall remain private, which is why you will not find

any prices on these maps.

Highlights from the Ogden Archive:

• Map of Wabonsia

• Butler,Wright and Webster’s Addition to Chicago

• Bushnell’s Addition to Chicago

• William B. Ogden’s Subdivision of Block 18, of Wolcott’s addition to Chicago

• Subdivision of Lots 6,7,8,9,10 & 11 Block 26 North part of Wolcott’s addition to Chicago

• Plan for Indiana & Michigan Canals

• Plan for Proposed Canal, Pier, Street, & Bridge for the Chicago Dock & Canal Company

• Chicago Dock & Canal Co. with proposed Michigan Canal and Chicago Land Owners

Copywright Notice: No part of this catalog or its images may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted by any form

or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of Harlan J.

Berk, Ltd. © Copyright, Harlan J. Berk, Ltd. 2015