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Roman Bronze Thumb Ring
ca. 1st-2nd century AD
1 7/8 in. (4.8 cm).
Provenance: Gift of Dr. Arthur F. Bissell,NY, in 1911. Toledo Museum of Art, Accession no. 1911.44
Etruscan Bronze Mirror
ca. 3rd century BC
L: 10 15/32 in. (26.6 cm); Diam across disc: 5 3/8 in. (13.7 cm).
Provenance: Said by donor to have been excavated in Etruria. Gift of Dr. Arthur F. Bissell, NY, in 1911. Toledo
Museum of Art, Accession no. 1911.46
Roman Amuletic Head of a Boy
ca. 1st-2nd century AD
H: 11/16 in.
Provenance: Purchased by donor (Arthur Bissell) from a child at Elphantine Island in the Nile, 1873; Gift of Dr.
Arthur F. Bissell in 1911. Toledo Museum of Art, Accession no. 1911.47
Roman Lug-Handled Lamp
ca. 5th to 6th century AD
. Red terracotta.
H. 1 1/2 in. (3.8 cm); Diam. 2 1/2 in. (6.4 cm).
Provenance: Purchased by Dr. Arthur F. Bissell in Rome in 1872, gifted to Toledo Museum of Art in 1912, Acces-
sion no. 1912.1258
Roman Long-Spouted Lamp with Dolphins
Early Christian Period
. Molded earthenware, orange-red glaze.
H: 1 1/8 in. (2.9 cm); Diam: 2 3/4 in. (7 cm).
Provenance: Gift of Dr. Arthur F. Bissell, NY, in 1912, Toledo Museum of Art Accession no. 1912.1259
Roman Volute-spouted Lamp with Mercury and Caduseus
ca. 1st century AD
. Molded, glazed earthenware.
H. 1 in. (2.5 cm); Diam. 3 1/8 in. (7.9 cm).
Provenance: Purchased by Dr. Arthur F. Bissell in Rome in 1872, gifted to Toledo Museum of Art in 1912, Acces-
sion no. 1912.1260