4) Insulae Americanæ in Oceano Septentrionali, cum Terris adiacentibus. By : John Ogilby Date: 1671 (circa) London Dimensions: 11.2 x 14.2 inches (28.5 x 36 cm) Focus is the Caribbean Sea and Gulf of Mexico, accompanied by three European ships, compass roses and extensive rhumb lines. Striking cartouches around title (upper left) and scale (lower right), show European traders receiving goods brought by groups of dark-skinned inhabitants, some with feather headdresses. A sugarcane press and bundles of tobacco and cotton also appear. Condition: Uncolored map with a strong impression on clean paper. Map is trimmed on left and right margins and the upper and lower margins have a few minor tears that no not enter the image. $950 5) Yucatan Conventus Iuridici Hispaniæ Novæ Pars Occidentalis, et Guatimala conventus iuridicus By: John Ogilby Date: 1671 (circa) London Dimensions: 72.4 x 14.2 inches (28.5 x 36 cm) Focus is on Central America, extending down from Tampico on the Bay of Campeche (Gulf of Mexico) to the area of Panama City. Western Cuba appears in the upper right corner. There is a striking cartouche around the title, with winged cherubs, dark- skinned locals, some with feather headdresses, a merman and mermaid at a bluff by the sea, with Neptune in the distance riding horses in the sea. Four European ships sail in the water, two with cannons firing upon each other. Condition: Uncolored with a strong impression and full margins. Map shows some paper browning around the margins and along the centerfold. There is a vertical rolled fold at the center of the map. $650