12) Neues Panorama des Rheins und seiner nächsten Umgebungen vonMainz bis Coeln. Auf’s neue nach der Natur gezeichnet und mit den interessantesten architektonsichen und geshichtlichen Denkmälern als Randbilder geziert Engraver I. W. Igler; Printed by J. Back; Published by Friedrich Wilhelm Delkeskamp Date: 1852 (dated) Frankfurt Dimensions: 104.7 x 9.5 inches (266 x 24 cm) This extraordinary engraving of the course of the Rhine River from Cologne to Mainz is extremely finely detailed, with bird’s-eye views of towns and hills, trees, individual fields, roads and paths. Flanking both sides of the river, in the margins, are vignettes of famous castles, churches, and monuments. A 24-page text in German, and attached to one cover with a cloth tape, accompanies the map giving information on the population and history of localities passed in order between Mainz and Cologne. Title is in German on one cover, in French on the other. Condition: A strong impression from this steel plate engraving. Paper somewhat darkened with age; title sheet detached from the bottom; light foxing and wear; hard covers detached from map. Some minor fold separations are apparent. $1,500 13) Rhinolandiæ, Amstelandiæ, et circumjacent aliquot territorioru. accurata desc. By: Johannes Janssonius, Date: 1641/1658 (published ) Amsterdam Dimensions: 17.7 x 21.5 inches (45 x 54.5 cm) Oriented with northwest at the top, this exceptionally engraved and colored map displays the area of Holland between Amsterdam and The Hague (s’Gravenhagen), including the North Sea coast, Haarlem, Leyden, Gouda, and Montfoort. Street plans of towns are shown in detail. Individual fields and polders are named throughout. Condition: Upper left and right corners torn in area far above margin. Some light water staining in upper corners, also far outside margin. There is also a small area where oxidation of the green pigment has broken through the paper. Superb original color. $1,200