Subdivision of Lots 14, 15 & 16 in BLK 27 Wolcott’s Addition
Asa F. Bradley
May 14, 1849
13.5 x 16.5 inches (34.3 x 41.9 cm)
Asa F. Bradley (County & City Surveyor), A. Kasson (Justice of the Peace), L.D.
Hoard (Recorder)
This map shows lots 14, 15, and 16 of Block 27 divided into four smaller lots for Charles Butler
Esq. The lots are bordered by the streets of Clark and Huron as well as an alley to the west. In
script, A. Kassen (Justice of the Peace) notes that William B. Ogden appeared before him as
Charles Butler’s attorney in fact on May 27
of 1850. Two days later, L.D. Hoard (Recorder)
filed this map in Book of Maps No.29, page 104.
Light soiling and foxing with some damage along the margins. 3.5 inch tear at
bottom left extends into manuscript.