Plat of Subdivision of that part lying N.E of the Center of Lincoln Ave of the N.W. ¼ of Sec
Feb 26, 1877
Samuel S Greeley
26 x 19 inches (66 x 48.25 cm)
Samuel S. Greeley (City Surveyor), Mahlon D. Ogden (Proprietor), William B.
Ogden (Proprietor) by Edwin Sheldon, Charles Ogden (Notary Public), Henry Bradley
(Lakeview Town Clerk), James W. Brockway (Cook County Recorder May 8, 1877)
The following map shows a large triangular subdivision of land owned by Malhon Ogden and
William B. Ogden under the last will and testament of the deceased William E. Jones. The
subdivision is bordered by the avenues of Lincoln, Belmont, and Racine with Southport Avenue
and Wellington Street running through. The plot lines would later become George Street and the
Avenues of Barry, Lakewood, and Greenview. The additions of Fletcher Street and Oakdale
Avenue would ultimately divide this subdivision into 16 separate city blocks.
Brittle paper with numerous areas of loss. Map has been backed by linen.