Subdivision of Outlots 2 and 3 in the Canals Trustees Subdivision of the East ½ of Section
29 Town 40 North Range 14 East of 3
Samuel S. Greeley
May 29, 1882
17 x 10.75 inches (43.2 x 27.3 cm)
Samuel S. Greeley (City Surveyor), Eugene Fishburn (Notary Public), James J.
Wilson (Lakeview Town Clerk)
This map shows the subdivision of two outlots in the Canal Trustees Subdivision into eight
separate city blocks. While the streets surrounding these lots would remain the same, Noble
Avenue would be changed to Barry Avenue and the unnamed north/south streets would become
the Avenues of Clifton, Seminary, and Kenmore. As noted in the script, the land shown was
owned by William B. Ogden and according to his last will and testament would be entrusted to
Caroline D. McCagg and Caroline D. Jones.
Purple ink manuscript on watermark paper with two stamp seals. Stamp and ink on
the verso is visible on the recto.