38) The description of the holy Land conteining the places mentioned in the foure Euangelists, with other plaes about the sea coasts, wherein may be seene the waves and iorneyes of Christ and his Apostles in Iudea, Samaria, and Galile : for into thesse three parts this land is diuided. By : L. Tomson[“The Geneva Bible”] Date: 1599 (Published) London (other editions 1609, 1613, 1615) Dimensions: 3.94 x 4.72 inches (10 cm x 12 cm) This attractive pictorial colored map is from a page in the Geneva Bible, which preceded the King James version by half a century, and was the translation used by Shakespeare, the Puritans, John Knox, and Oliver Cromwell. The Geneva Bible, translated in Geneva Switzerland by Protestant scholars who fled from Queen Mary I’s England, was the first mass produced and printed Bible made available to the general public. The New Testament first appeared in 1557 and then together with the Old Testament in 1560. Some editions were marked with the back-dated year of 1599 though they appeared somewhat later following the issuance of the King James “Authorized Version.” The Anglicans of the Church of England disliked the Geneva Bible’s Calvinist and Puritan character. The map highlights numerous important locales, such as Nazareth, Bethlehem, Jerusalem, Sea of Galilee. The Jordan River andmountains of Judea are pictorially rendered. It is embellished with two ships sailing in the Mediterranean. A key, below the map, identifies 32 Biblical locations with their coordinates. Condition: Good condition with toning and some darkening of the lower edge. $750 39) Description Geographique de la Terre Promise, Terre des Hebreux, et des Israelites Partagée selon l’ordre de Dieu, Aux Douze Tribus Descendantes des Douze Fils de Jacob . . . By: Moullart-Sanson Date: 1712 (circa) Paris Dimensions: 13.58 x 14.17 inches (34.5 cm x 36 cm) This map displays the territories of the Twelve Tribes of Israel in the Holy Land, including the names of the tribes, and showing their presumed borders along with many towns mentioned in the Bible. Also labeled are the lands of the Moabites, Madianites (Midianites), and others. A statement in the lower left corner declares that the map is intended for the reading of the Holy Scripture. Condition: Very good condition with some foxing and uneven toning. $650