34) Süd-Afrika. Nach Capt. Owen’s Küsten-Aufnahme, der Hebert-Arrowsmith’schen Karte, den Reisen un den Karten v. Burchell, Alexander, Gardner, Drège, Harris, &c., &c., &c. By: Justus Perthes, Gotha, 1848 Date: 1848 (Published) Gotha Dimensions: 12.6 x 16.5 inches (32 cm x 42 cm) Original color. Extends from Walvis Bay [“Walfisch B.”] in present-day Namibia, eastward across the southern part of present- day Botswana to the area south of the Limpopo River. In other words, it covers all of the region of the present-day Republic of South Africa. Large swaths of the northern interior are unexplored. An inset depicts Cape Town and False Bay and immediate surroundings. The Cape of Good Hope is termed “Vorgebirge der Guten hoffnung.” The coast lines on either side of the Cape are highly detailed with names of rivers, ports, points, and cities all faithfully designated. Condition: Good condition with very minor foxing. $175 35) Egypten nach dem Zustand der alten Zeit vorgestellt. Engraved by Seb. [Sebastian] Dorn, NürnbergT. I, page 584 By: Sebastian Dorn Date: 1746 (Published by Gebauer) Halle Dimensions: 15 x 8.3 inches (38 cm x 21 cm) This map of Egypt with information from ancient times is labeled in Latin. It displays the course of the Nile River from Ancient Ethiopia and Philae all the way to the Mediterranean Sea. Canals adjacent to the river are also shown. The Nile Delta is marvelously detailed. Most of the Sinai Peninsula appears to the east as well as part of the coast of Palestine. Place names from Hellenistic times appear in addition to Arabic ones. A key lists translations of Arabic geographical terms and explains a system of symbols indicating such landmarks as castles, monasteries, mosques, ruins, and cities, and spells out abbreviations used. An inset in the upper right illustrates the rudder operating system of local boats. Four different scales appear in the title cartouche. Condition: Good condition, crisp print, minor foxing. $350