44) Arabia, Egypt, Abyssinia, Red Sea &c. By: Thomson (Engraved by J. and G. Menzies, Edinburgh No. 46) Date: 1814 (Published) London Dimensions: 17.72 x 19.88 inches (45 cm x 50.5 cm) This is a striking map of Arabia, Abyssinia, the Red Sea and surrounding regions with original color including shaded borders of regions, and mountain ranges marked with hachures. The sandy deserts of Arabia are dramatically indicated with large areas of dark stippling. Seacoasts are shaded with wide areas of fine horizontal parallel lines. Some roads and pilgrim routes are indicated. There are numerous comments: “Route of the Persian Caravan 36 Days from Basra to Mecca”; “Route of the Caravan from Bassora to Aleppo 718 Miles in 287 Hours 2½ English Miles to the Hour for the Heavy Caravan in direct distance”; “Mahrah A barren country. The People use a particular Dialect.” Condition: Damp staining in upper right and upper left corners of the margins that extends into the map. Nice dark impression that has created some offsetting over time. $625India
45) Tabvla Asiae XI [map of Bengal and Burma, “India Extra Gangem”] By: Giralamo Ruscelli Date: 1574 (Published) Venice Dimensions: 6.89 x 9.25 inches (17.5 cm x 23.5 cm) This early map published in Venice shows Bengal and Burma. On the verso is printed text in Italian headed “Dell’Asia, Tavola XI. Antica,” and lists cities with their differences in sunrise times by differences in latitude. The first letter of the text, a capital letter L, has a vignette of Leda and the Swan. The other page, under the heading “Annotatione,” gives descriptions of India and China. The region of Bengal and Burma depicted is highly inaccurate, except for the representation of the Ganges Delta at the upper left side at the end of the Bay of Bengal, in the area labeled India Intra Gangem pars. The region of Burma and Thailand is labeled India Extra Gangem. The seas are represented with light stippled shading. The margins of the map taper from the equator, reflecting an attempt to account for the curvature of the Earth. Condition: The map is in good condition. Two worm holes at the bottom repaired with archival material on the verso. Toning darker at center fold. $350