79) Narsinga By: Petrus Bertius , Date: 1618 (published) Amsterdam Dimensions: 3.75 x 5.1 inches (9.5 x 13 cm) The wonderful little map appeared in a French edition of the miniature atlas Tabularum Geographicam, and presents the peninsula of India with an eastern orientation. Title is in baroque cartouche at top right, colored golden orange. The cartouche around the scale, calibrated in Militaria Germanica, on the lower right, is colored yellow. Towns are noted mostly on the coast but some appear inland. Condition: Very good with small tear in upper left, far from map margin. $300 80) Presqu’Isle de l’Inde deça le Golfe de Bengala By : Alain Manesson Mallet Date: 1683 (published) Paris Dimensions: 5.5 x 3.9 inches (14 x 10 cm) This miniature details the Mughal Empire in light green and the peninsula of India in lavender. The cartouche, in the lower right, is a baroque plaque topped by male and female satyrs holding an ornate urn and flanked by two large palm trees. A few rivers and major towns are indicated, but mostly on the southwestern coast (Malabar). Interior mountains are schematically indicated stretching from north to south. Condition: Excellent impression and hand coloring. $200