87) Carte Particuliere d’une Partie d’Asie ou sont les Isles d’Andemaon, Ceylan, les Maldives.Dressé sur les Memoires le Plus Nouveaux. By : Pierre Mortier Date: 1700 (Dated) Amsterdam Dimensions: 23.42 x 34.64 inches (59.5 cm x 88 cm) Fantastic example of Mortier’s map of the Asian Subcontinent, Arabian Peninsula, and Horn of Africa. This map has two titles of apparently equal weight. Each cartouche includes scales of French, Spanish, and German leagues. There are two compass roses, one in the Arabian Sea off the coast of the Horn of Africa and the other south of the Bay of Bengal. While much interior detail is provided, the map’s focus is on sea navigation. Multiple rhumb lines crisscross the waters, and great detail is offered on island chains, such as the Maldives, Andamans, Nicobars, Seychelles (Amirante), and Socotra. Sandbars and shallow seas are indicated with stippling in such coastal areas as the Indus Delta, the Persian Gulf, and the Red Sea. Condition: Excellent condition with minor fold separations at the top and bottom that do not enter image. Map presents itself with bright original coloring on clean paper. $2,500 88) A General Mapp of the East Indies Comprehending the Estats or Kingdoms of the Great Mogol, the Kingdoms & Estats of Decan, Golconde, Bisnagar, Malabar & in the Peninsula of India without the Ganges.& the Kingdoms Isles of Pegu, Sian, Malacca, Cochinchina & in the Peninsula of India within the Ganges with the Isles of Maldives. By: Ric: Blome Date: 1667 / 1670 (published) London Dimensions: 13.8 x 13.2 inches (35 x 33.5 cm) This map extends from above Kabul in the northwest to below the equator, and from the eastern border of Persia to the western end of Borneo, including all of Indochina, the Malay Peninsula, and a large part of Sumatra. The title cartouche in the upper right corner is surrounded by a decorative rectangular frame. Under the map proper is a large dedication “To the Honorable the Governer Deputy and Court of Committies of the Company of Marchants tradeing in to the East Indies.” The map displays conjectural courses of rivers and interior mountain ranges and towns. In the seas are three European sailing ships and two sea monsters. Condition: Restoration along left side, just beyond margin and some offsetting in the lower half. Original color. SOLD