98) Carte de l’Ile de Java: partie Occidentale, partie Orientale, dressée tout nouvellement sur les mémoires les plus exacts[,] Avec une Table des principales ville de cette Ile, La situations des comptoirs & autres places qu’y possedent les Hollandois, et des Remarques très curieuses sur la maniere don’t ils se sont établis dans la Ville de Batavia By: Henri Abraham Chatelain Date: 1719 (published) Amsterdam Dimensions: 14 x 30.7 inches (35.5 x 78 cm) The map is richly illustrated with representations of roaming elephants and deer, pointed mountains, rice fields, and forests. Four European vessels are seen in the water, as well as three local sailboats. The map extends from the southeastern end of Sumatra, the entire length of the island of Java, with Madura Island at its northeast and the westernmost tip of Bali at the far right. An inset in the lower left corner, “Le Port de Batavia,” depicts the town of Batavia with its walls as well as the adjacent bay with its small islands and sandbanks. The inset is framed by a decorative border topped with a local inhabitant eating a piece of fruit next to various metal vessels, a tea-pot , and a parrot. At the bottom right corner of the frame is a local man with a pole leading an elephant, with a palm tree in the background. Condition: Watermarked paper with a small vertical separation along the center fold. $950 99) Karte vom Fünften Erdtheil oder Polynesien oder Australien od. Südindien entworfen von Friedrich Gottlieb Canzler By: Homanns Erben Date: 1806 (dated) Nürnberg Dimensions : (17.5 x 22.25 inches) 44.5 cm x 56.5 cm The coverage of the map is broad, reaching from southeastern and eastern Asia down to Australia, New Zealand, the Marquesas and Pitcairn Island, as well as the Hawaiian Islands (“Sandwich Inseln”). Interestingly, the coast of present-day South Australia is labeled unknown (“unbekante Küste”) as are parts of the southern and eastern coasts of New Guinea. The Indonesian archipelago and Philippine Islands are particularly densely labeled. Condition: Watermarked paper with some creases and original color. One repaired tear on left side; darkened vertical strip down the middle fold from repair or binding. $1,000