101) A General Atlas For the Use of Schools Shewing the Principal Empires, Kingdoms & States, And all the recent
Discoveries, With a Short Introduction to Geography
by John Adams, Teacher of the mathematics, Edmonton.
Harvey & Darton
1829 (Published) London
40 pages of text, 27 map plates; page size 8.6 x 5 inches (22 cm x 13 cm); map size 7.4 x 9 inches (19 cm x 23 cm)
[except for plate 1, Western and Eastern Hemispheres, 15.3 x 8 inches (39 x 20.5)]
Maps are of Europe, England, Scotland, Ireland, Sweden, Denmark, Netherlands northern part, Netherlands southern part,
France, Spain, Switzerland, Italy, Germany, Russia, Prussia, Turkey & Greece, Poland, Asia, Hindoostan, China, North America,
United States, West Indies, South America, Africa, Geographical terms and figures exemplified. The map of North America
includes Alaska as “Russian America.” The map of the United States shows the regions of present-day Texas, the Southwest,
and California as part of Mexico and present-day Washington State (labeled “New Albion and New Georgia”) stretching above
the 49th parallel.
Slightly darkened paper, light offsetting. The map of Poland has an ink stain. The frontispiece map of Western
and Eastern Hemispheres is separated on one vertical fold. Original binding, marbled paper covers, leather spine. Maps are in
original color.
102) An Atlas of the Southern Part of India, including Plans of all the principal Towns & Cantonments, reduced from the
Grand Trigonometrical Survey of India, shewing also the Tenasserim Provinces.
Engraved by:
J. & C. Walker, London
Published by:
Pharoah & Company
1854 (dated) Madras
approx. 9.4 x 7.8 inches (24 cm x 20 cm), some folding out to 9.4 x 18 inches (24 cm x 46 cm); 18.9 x 12.2 inches (48
cm x 31 cm); 13.5 x 21.4 inches (34.5 cm x 54.5 cm); etc.
The atlas includes maps of 27 districts; 13 maps of Dominions of His Highness the Nizam, Ramisseram Island, 4 maps of
Tenasserim provinces, Singapore, and 20 maps of towns and cantonments (including Bangalore, Madras, Hyderabad,
Secunderabad, and Trichinopoly. The maps are highly detailed, with accurate placement of many small villages and main
roads, hills, and rivers. Maps of towns and military cantonments indicate such local sites as forts, parade grounds, wells, lime
kilns, burial grounds, churches, mosques, temples, bazaars, etc. The spelling of place names is somewhat idiosyncratic, as
transliterated by English speakers not familiar with local languages.
The district maps are all on the scale of 16 miles to 1 inch, or approximately 10 km to 1 cm (1:100,000).
Good condition with original boards still bound. The top portion of the spine has been separated, but saved within
the atlas. Maps are in original color.